Submit Application
Submit Application
Submit Application
Submit Application
Submit Application
P: 619.819.0234
F: 619.839.3748
5965 Village Way
Ste E105 - 148
San Diego, CA 92130
Become a Sponsor & Partner With Us to SAVE LIVES!
From $500 to $10,000, there are many ways for your family or company to become involved! As a sponsor, you will receive immense exposure and exceptional benefits while saving the lives of loving Labradors and ensuring that the important work done by Labrador Rescuers continues for years to come. Labrador Rescuers is a 501(c)(3), all-volunteer non-profit organization and we greatly appreciate your support.
Tax ID 81-0646390
For sponsorship information, please contact our fundraising director

$10,000 - Diamond Leash Sponsor
Title Sponsor Recognition on event banner, signage and program
Full page ad in Lab Amore program
Prominent Name & Logo on LR event webpage & social media pages with 19,000+ followers
Prominent Name and/or Logo on email blast for event sent to over 8,000 Lab Rescuer supporters
10 complimentary tickets for your own table & hotel room at the Westin for 2 for night of event
$5,000 - Platinum Leash Sponsor
Prime Name & Logo recognition on signage and program
1/2 page ad in Lab Amore program
Prominent Logo on LR event webpage & social media pages with 19,000+ followers
Prominent Name and/or Logo on email blast for event sent to over 8,000 Lab Rescuer supporters
6 complimentary tickets
$3,000 – Gold Leash Sponsor
Name & Logo on event signage and program
1/4 page ad in Lab Amore program
Name & Logo on LR event webpage & social media pages with 19,000+ followers
Name or Logo on email blast for event sent to over 8,000 Lab Rescuer supporters
4 complimentary tickets
$1,500 – Silver Leash Sponsor
Logo and/or name in Lab Amore program
Name or Logo on LR event webpage & social media pages with 19,000+ followers
Name or Logo on email blast for event sent to over 8,000 Lab Rescuer supporters
2 complimentary tickets
$500 – Lab Lover Sponsor