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Submit Application
Submit Application
P: 619.819.0234
F: 619.839.3748
5965 Village Way
Ste E105 - 148
San Diego, CA 92130
Wondering How Your Donation Can Help?
Lab Rescuers is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the lives of labs in Southern California. 100% of your donations are used to provide to the medical and day-to-day care needed to save the lives of these dogs.
No matter the amount, individual contributions make a big difference. Below are a few examples of how we apply your generosity.
$30 Donation
- Microchip a Dog
- Feed a Dog for a Month
$150 Donation
- Spay or Neuter
- X-Ray an Injured Dog
$50 Donation
- Vaccinations
- Vet Visit
$100 Donation
- 1 Week of Boarding
- Heartworm & Fecal Testing
$300 Donation
- Blood Work
- Dental Cleaning
Click on either option today or scan the Venmo QR Code to make your donation!
Support the dogs on a monthly basis. This option allows you to choose a monthly donation that works with your budget. Enjoy giving back with this convenient donation that renews monthly. Subscribers can cancel at anytime.
Labrador Rescuers also accepts donations in the form of stock Please contact treasurer@labrescuers.org for more information.