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P: 619.819.0234
F: 619.839.3748
5965 Village Way
Ste E105 - 148
San Diego, CA 92130
Lifeboat Labs
Where Second Chances Save Lives
This page is dedicated to Labrador Retrievers in need of a "Lifeboat." The dogs pictured here are considered our hospice Labs and need your donations for help with surgery, medications or other medical ailments.
Labrador Rescuers is a grass roots organization run by dedicated and caring volunteers. We count on generous people like you to send a Lifeboat to these wonderful companions of ours who just need a second chance at life. Won't you help us send a Lifeboat to one of the dogs pictured on this page?

We met Buddy New Year’s Eve 2024 and quickly fell in love with his optimistic attitude. He came to us almost completely blind, deaf, and with diabetes that requires this guy to get two shots of insulin a day, but don’t let that get you to underestimate him or feel overly sorry for him. This guy is full of love and energy, maps out his surroundings with his powerful nose and finds his way around almost as good as our fully sighted dogs.
He eats like a champ, and where you would find in researching diabetes in dogs, that they state that the expected lifespan is about two years once diagnosed, this guy is going on four years since diagnosis, and isn’t showing any sign of slowing down.
Buddy is proof that a dog shouldn’t be overlooked because of a list of life hurdles. We are proud to offer this wonderful lifeboat rescue a house and family full of love and care, that this dog obviously deserves.
Please consider a donation to Labrador Rescuers on behalf of Buddy.
Archer (Archie) came into Labrador Rescuers after being rescued by a good sam, from the streets of Mexico, he was in bad shape when he arrived and had to have medical attention, and to have 25 teeth removed over time (Ouch).
Archie loves car rides and snuggling on the settee with his loving foster mom, he is a well behaved boy in the home he loves retrieving the ball and a great ball throwing session.
Archie has the dubious honor of being the longest dog on the LR website, due to quirks in his behavior and unique traits, he never managed to find his own forever home.
Now with him getting up there in years at nearly 11 years old, the Lab Rescue peeps decided he should stay in his loving foster home forever and ever, there he is loved and adored by his foster family, and Archie is more than happy with that decision.
Please consider a donation to Labrador Rescuers on behalf of Archer.

Charlize joined LR in 2019. Her family rehomed her as they could not take care of a high energy dog with special needs.
She has congenital megaesphagus. Her first few months were a learning curve for her and her fosters. Learning how and what to feed her. She threw up and regurgitated several times a day.
Charlize also is very neurotic. Her former family played with light reflections and laser lights with her. Through training and lots of patience she is doing well today.
Charlize has learned to eat and drink in her bailey chair. She sleeps with her neck hug pillow every night. After 5 years, Charlize has built strong routines and bonds in her foster home. Due to her being very active, neurotic and special needs, she turns off adopters. She is at risk of getting aspirate pneumonia due to her conditions.
She will be under the watchful eye of her forever foster and get the love and structure she needs.